Are you playing good golf?  

Do you feel great?

Do you have enough energy to get through the round?

Even better question, do you have enough energy to tackle life?

Do you want that competitive edge over your opponent?

I have come to find that feeling good has a direct impact on your golf game, and on your life in general.  In fact, I have discovered my “Winning Formula” which when pieced together, has allowed me to play better golf, and lower my golf score, to feel good, have more energy, and experience better health!

Does any of this appeal to you?

  • Having an advantage over the competition before you even hit your first shot
  • Shooting better scores-without taking lessons
  • Feeling good
  • Feeling happy
  • Having enough energy to get things done
  • Increasing your health and well-being
  • Releasing (losing) weight
  • Enjoying playing the game of golf more

Play Great Golf

I went from practicing long and hard, to practicing much less, and performing better. My scores started dropping, and consequently, my handicap went down.  I started feeling good, and winning tournaments!  I had more energy, and gained 10 yards on my irons. I increased my health, and strengthened my immune system.  And, I had my first career ace, and then my second hole-in-one just over 200 days later!

Do you want any of that for your game, or your life?  Would you like to find out how my “Winning Formula” can be custom tailored and tweaked to create your “Winning Formula”?  I am happy to share that with you.

Apply for your Winning Formula Consultation by clicking on the red letters.

Look below to see if any of these packages pique your interest…


THE (W)HOLE IN ONE PACKAGE Want a huge advantage over the competition?  Are you at your optimum health?  Are you struggling with not having enough energy to get through Hole in One Picyour round, or the day?  Do you want to feel better?  Do you have some nagging aches and pains? Do you want to release some weight?  Are you taking time out for yourself?  Do you need more distance on your clubs? THE (W)HOLE IN ONE package is for the golfer who wants it all.  This package will change you on every level-Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional, and will increase your health and well-being.  By putting yourself first, you will feel better, and have more energy.  Not only will you have a huge advantage over the field, you will play better golf, hit the ball farther, release(lose) weight, and feel great!  What’s not to love about all of this?!

THE EAGLE PACKAGE Want a head start on your competitors?  Are you struggling with not having your best health?  Do you need a little tweak because you don’t have enough energy to get through your round, or the day?  Do Eagle Picyou want to feel better, and boost your energy?  Or, do you want to increase your health, and raise it up to that maximum level?  Is releasing weight a priority?  Need some added distance with your clubs?  THE EAGLE package is for the golfer who wants a double barreled attack to amp up your energy, and your health. You will feel better and improve your golf game as well. Most likely, you will add distance to your clubs, and shed some pounds.  Want to soar with this?

THE BIRDIE PACKAGE Want that added edge over your opponents? Are you struggling with not having enough energy?  Could you stand to improve your health?  Do you need more distance on your clubs?  Do you feel good, or Birdie Picdo you need some help in that department?  THE BIRDIE package is for the golfer who wants to improve their energy level, their health, and their game.  As your level of health and energy improve, you will feel better, and play better.  Ideally, you may add distance to your clubs, and you will release(lose) weight.  Want to learn to fly?

We’ll custom fit the package which is best for you and your situation.  Apply for your Winning Formula Consultation by clicking on the red letters.